
July 2021 Newsletter, Tidal

Tidal feature releases and announcements in the July 2021 newsletter

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Well it’s a hot one this summer - and if you’re looking for a way to stay entertained inside with your air conditioners, we’re fans of this beautiful ode to serverlessness. A masterpiece.



We’re honoured to say that our team is still growing! If you like our stuff and want to dive into something new and evolving, we want you with us.

Ever thought of being a “Migration Hacker”? Or perhaps “Growth Marketing Hacker” is more your speed?


Come back to school with us at our next All-Virtual Migration Enablement Workshop, set for Tuesday, September 14th, 2021! Register now for our summer session and join us from home while our own David Colebatch walks you through the end-to-end cloud migration process.

We’ve also added a second workshop spread over 2 days on September 1st and 2nd, 2021. Running from 6:00PM-9:00PM EST each day (or 8:00AM AEST), we’ll now be able to answer the call from our friends in both the Asia Pacific region as well as the west coast of North America. Thanks for your interest!

Looking to empower your Cloud Centre of Excellence? Sign up for a dedicated, private workshop and power up your migration factory!


You asked, we listened! We’re excited to present our new Projects Feature that went live last Friday.

We’ve had a lot of spectacular feedback from customers wanting a way to break their application portfolio into migration projects. With this lovely new feature, we’ve created a way you can track and collaborate on these different initiatives, without being stuck looking at the overall portfolio.

Take a look at how to get started building your own projects with this feature


  • Accenture acquires Toronto-based Cloudworks to expand Oracle footprint in Canada - It seems Accenture is on an Oracle-based acquisition bent this year, adding Toronto’s enterprise solutions provider Cloudworks to their roster as their 3rd acquisition this year of this sort. This shows a lot of companies are responding to the pandemic with new belief in the cloud - no complaints here!
  • Pentagon cancels disputed JEDI cloud contract with Microsoft - Need a little drama? Look no further than the battle over the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) military cloud contract, originally given to Microsoft, leaving a jilted Amazon to call politics as the reason for the decision. This has been going on a while, but now it looks like the Pentagon is back to the drawing board, considering all our top players for a joint sign-on again.
  • Slack’s new video and voice tools are nod to changing face of work - In case you thought remote work was going anywhere, Slack is upping their game with shiny new features coming to their wildly popular text-based collaboration platform. Starting this month, paid users can now connect for a quick chat through their real-time audio tool Slack Huddles. The idea is efficiency - and their video message feature is designed to expand the workability of Slack as a workplace in itself.
  • Aspiring AWS cloud architects have a new free learning option on Twitch - Want to be Cloud Practitioner-certified? Good news, AWS wants you, too. Their twice-weekly (and free) training streams on gamer platform Twitch are interactive, casual, and insanely popular. Think they’ve found a a pretty good store of new programmers.
  • Why Zoom bought Five9 for $14.7 billion: Enterprise wallet share and a big customer engagement play - Turns out Zoom is getting a pretty sweet deal in contact centre specialist Five9 joining their team. They’ve got the enterprise customer base, and the established contact centre clout to support the evolution of Zoom Phone, and they didn’t even have to do it themselves!

That’s all for July, and if you’ve had a good time with us this newsletter, let us know by sharing (links below) and keeping your friends in the loop.

And if you missed us last month, catch up on our June Newsletter.

Stay united and see you at the end of the month!
