
October 2021 Newsletter, Tidal

Tidal feature releases and announcements in the October 2021 newsletter

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October 2021 Newsletter, Tidal

Cozy up with that Halloween candy you bought “for the kids” and see what we’ve been up to this month. That, and keep an eye out for any other costumes that aren’t from Squid Game.


We’re over-the-moon in announcing our Azure Migrate Integration with the Tidal Platform.

Our philosophy is to leverage any previous discovery and assessment work. If you’ve collected data with Azure Migrate, this new feature will help you move all your inventory data directly into the Tidal Platform, saving time and reducing the risk of error. Once in the platform, you can enhance the data collected with application technology fingerprinting, source code analysis and database analysis, and be well on your way to a transformative migration that yields tangible business impact. Highlight opportunities to embrace Azure App Service and free yourself from legacy application frameworks.

Learn more about how to leverage this integration in our handy-dandy video and guide.


Our team just keeps getting bigger, and we’re delighted to welcome our two new crew members, Bonnie Chiapponi, our new Executive Assistant, and Ravi Gaddam, joining the team as our ​​Test Automation Engineer. A big Tidal welcome to you both!


Got 5 minutes? Check out David Colebatch’s interview with SyncOrg. AWS nominated Tidal to work with SyncOrg on the Partner Transformation Program…the results were amazing.


We’ve got a whole barrel of fun planned for next month.

If you haven’t heard, our next All-Virtual Migration Enablement Workshop is on for November 9th, 2021. Register now and join us from home while our own David Colebatch walks you through the end-to-end cloud migration process.

Following on from our first session last month, you can catch Tidal and Flow Delivered again at Noon EST on November 18th for our next session, titled “Overcoming the Gap.” Make sure you’re covering all the bases when getting set up for success on your cloud migration journey, and register here.

And finally, we’ll be hosting a new Azure webinar on November 25th, called “How Federal Departments can unlock the Value of Legacy Apps with Cloud.” This one is still brewing, so stay tuned!

And as always, if you’re looking to empower your Cloud Center of Excellence, sign up for a dedicated, private workshop and power up your migration factory!


That’s all for October, and if you’ve had a good time with us this newsletter, let us know by sharing (links below) and keeping your friends in the loop.

And if you missed us last month, catch up on our September Newsletter.

Stay safe out there and see you in November!
